Super foods for Bees and Butterflies

Plant flowers and Bees will Follow
Do you think our Pollinators are declining
Do the Windscreen Test.
10-15 years ago, If your travelled a few miles , your windscreen would have bees splattered on it
Now it takes a few week of driving for the same result
Lets feed the Bees
Here is a list of Bee friendly Plants 

Super food for butterflies

Since 1984 50% of the Irish Butterfly species have drastically declined.
The following is a list of super foods for butterflies
Borage Lupin Phlox  Salvia  Rudbekia
Aubertia Verbena Sedums Delphinium Lavender Sage

Buddleia (Buzz) Dwarf Variety
Single Flowering Dahlia
Nicotiana  Cosmos  Delphinium  Oregano  Primroses  Catmint  Hebe Wallfower
Have you tried an over ripen Banana to Feed the Butterflies

Happy gardening


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