
Showing posts from May, 2018
Creative Hanging  Baskets  for your Home & Patio.  Favourite part of my day is without  question it is planting up and creating hanging  baskets  and containers for our customers. The fragrance and Colour in the garden centre on the sunny days this week brings joy to all our staff and customer.  Here are a few top tips to creating and maintaing your summer  baskets , window boxes  and pots. Create a container/  basket  to suit your colours, style and environment.  Mediterran  Basket / Pot If you want to be transported to the Amalfi coast,  Grow a lemon tree or olive tree in a pot, Surround your self with Trailing  Geraniums and vibrant coloured pots and containers. If your  baskets  are located in a Sunny windy position or maybe difficult to water,  then Ivy   geraniums  will thrive the best for you.  Geraniums  give a magical blast of colour and dont require as much watering as other summer plants. Ivy  Geraniums   require so little maintenance. Don't forget t

Short on space but would like to grow a fruit tree.

        The Coronet Apple tree Perfect for any small garden, or Patio This miniature apple tree can be grown in a pot or in a bed. The coronet apple trees are miniature apple trees (Mature height 5 ft)  that will fruit in the first year which is very unusual for fruit trees. It is also extremely low maintenance and requires no pruning. There are three types of Coronets: Solo, Family and Companion.  The Solo variety is self pollinating and requires no other tree. The family Variety has two varieties on the one tree and therefor requires no other tree  The Companion is one variety and requires another tree to be planted in your garden. Ensure that both tree have the same flowering season to ensure that they will pollinate each other.    The most popular and tastiest varieties are James grieve, Cox's orange pippin  and elstar.  There is no cooking apple variety available in coronet range but the however the James grieve is acceptable for cooking.