Closing date for applications is 5.00pm on Friday 30th June 2017
No applications will be accepted after this date

Overview of Scheme

Cork County Council Community Facilities scheme offers Community and Voluntary groups access to capital funding in order to kick-start, advance or complete their projects. The scheme seeks to address some of the difficulties local community groups face in terms of accessing small-scale levels of funding to match their own fundraising efforts.

The 2017 scheme is funded by the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and local Government with support from the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) and the Municipal Districts of Cork County Council.

The scheme will offer grants up to a maximum of €1,000 per project.

Eligible Projects
Examples of what area you can apply for funding include:
  • Community Centre Equipment
  • Office Equipment / Meeting Furniture
  • Sports / Recreation Facilities
  • Relevant Tools, Machinery and Appliances
Ineligible projects
The following expenditure is not eligible for funding:

§  Any project not in keeping with the ethos of the Scheme or which does not address at least one of the target groups and thematic areas
§  Any current funding projects or elements of projects
§  Employment costs
§  Routine maintenance, minor repairs or other ongoing costs
§  Legal fees
§  Project management fees
§  Purchase of lands or buildings
§  Feasibility studies
§  Private or commercial operations

Target groups and thematic areas

Applications should relate to at least one key target group and thematic area below in order to be eligible for consideration.

·            Youth
·            Older people
·            Immigrants
·            Refugees
·            Travellers
·            Ex-prisoners and families of prisoners/ex-prisoners
·            Projects promoting cultural activity
·            Projects promoting equality
·            Community development projects
·            Projects promoting integration
·            Projects which are part of the Creative Ireland 2017-2022 initiative

Application Forms and Guidelines

All applicants must complete use and complete in full the official application form which can be downloaded from Cork County Council website.
Applications will only be accepted on the official application form.
Once completed please submit your application by post before 30 June 2017 to:

Mr. Fergal Gough & Ms. Fiona Hayes,
Communities Facilities Scheme 2017,
Cork County Council,
County Library Building,
County Hall,
T12 R2NC
Please direct any queries on this scheme to: Fergal Gough available at 021- 4285500 or Fiona Hayes 021-4285338
Alternatively you can e-mail your query to


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