Special Awards for the following elements Up-Cycling Upcycling in the garden helps lessen the amount of waste going into landfills. Upcycling helps reduce CO2 emissions by using old materials instead of new ones. Schools are encouraged to rethink, repair, refurbish along with reusing & recycling items e.g. Fairy Houses made from recycled materials, but don’t damage trees. Food Production Being able to grow food without pesticides and eat it straight from the garden is superior in every way to produce that is pumped full of additives, packed to prevent it deteriorating, transported and then sold as ‘fresh’. Schools are asked to grow in raised beds and containers, Plant Fruit Trees, Fruit Bushes, Practice Rotation, Weeding, Labelling, Use of Composting, Rain Water Harvesting, Wormeries etc. Biodiversity / Wildlife/ Native Flowers and Plants . It is now widely recognized that climate change and biodiversity are interconnected. Biodiversity is affected by climate change, with neg...